A great principle of revelation occurs for the first time in this chapter, but it will be found again and again in the Word of God. It is one of the fingerprints of inspiration. It is the law of recurrence or the law of recapitulation.

In other words, the Spirit of God, in giving the Word of God, has a practice of stating briefly a series of great facts and truths; then He will come back and take out of the series that which is all–important, and He will elucidate and enlarge upon that particular thing.

He is going to do this now in chapter 2 with the six days of creation which were given in chapter 1. This same principle is seen in the Book of Deuteronomy.

Deuteronomy is the interpretation of the Law after forty years of experience with it in the wilderness.

Deuteronomy is not just a repetition of the Law, but rather an interpretation of it. Likewise, we are given not only one but four Gospels. Again and again, this procedure is followed throughout the Word of God.

In chapter 2 that which is lifted out of the six days of creation is that which pertains to man, and we begin with the Sabbath Day.

Genesis 2 concludes the description of God’s week of creation and then zooms in on the creation of man, his work, his perfect environment, and the creation of woman as his helper and wife.

It is our last glimpse of the world before it is ravaged by human sin and death with the disobedience of Adam and Eve in chapter 3. Where chapter 1 gave a full overview of creation, this chapter focuses more on a few specific events.

These are crucial to understanding the fall of man.

Genesis 2:1-3 KJV

[1] Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

[2] And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

[3] And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Genesis 2:1

Thus the heavens and the Earth were finished, and all the host of them.

This proclaims the fact that when the heavens and the Earth were completed, they were a brilliant array. The narrative of the six days‘ creation continued.

The course of the narrative is improperly broken by the division of the chapter. The heavens — referring to the firmament or atmosphere.

Host — referring to a multitude, a numerous array, usually connected in Scripture with heaven only, but here with the earth also, meaning all that they contain.

Were finished — means it was brought to completion.

No permanent change has ever since been made in the course of the world, no new species of animals have been formed, no law of nature repealed or added to.

They could have been finished in a moment as well as in six days, but the work of creation was gradual for the instruction of man, as well, perhaps, as of higher creatures (Job 38:7).

The first verse of Genesis 2 begins with the term “thus,” or, “so.” This reflects back to the content of the prior passage, so this verse summarizes all of chapter 1.

It is a statement of conclusion: God completed His work of creation. The heavens and the earth and every aspect of God’s great creation was finished.

Chapter and verse divisions were not part of the original Bible text; these words are meant to be read in a natural flow from those at the end of chapter 1. In Genesis 1:31, God declared all He had made as “very good.”

He accomplished exactly what He set out to do, and He was satisfied with the results. In this moment, nothing existed in creation which was bad, or corrupt, or out of sync with the plan and purpose of God.

The heavens and earth were vast, teeming with life, and they were exactly as God intended them to be.

What will change this ideal state is human sin, as described in chapter 3.

Genesis 2:2

And on the seventh day God ended His Work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His Work which He had made.

Do not miss the importance of the Sabbath Day. What does it mean when it says that God rested from His work?

Does it mean that God got tired, sat down to rest on the seventh day, and said that he had had a big week—that He had worked more than forty hours, and that He wanted to rest?

If you look at it like that, it is perfect nonsense.

And he rested on the seventh day — Not to repose from exhaustion with labor (see Isaiah 40:28), but ceased from working, an example equivalent to a command that we also should cease from labor of every kind.

God rested from His work. When God finished His six days of work, He looked upon it and it was very good, and there was nothing else to do.

As the previous verse made clear, God completed His work of creation on the sixth day. The week was not over, however. The seventh day mattered to God and became the most important of all of the days of the week.

Having completed His work, God rested. This is the point where the pattern of chapter 1 is halted. On each of the six creation days, God did specific work and saw that it was good. On the seventh day, He did no work.

What does it mean for God to rest?

What does it mean to “rest” from working, for one with the power to create worlds out of nothing with just His command?

It’s hard to know, but the passage is clear that it was significant to God. Whether for practical, symbolic, or other purposes, we are meant to see this as a meaningful choice on the part of the Creator.

This day of rest will become known as the Sabbath, a central point of God’s Law and essential to Israel’s worship of Him. But even now, before sin enters into the world, before the Law exists, this day of rest is already meaningful to the Creator.

Genesis 2:3

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His Work which God created and made.

  • The Sabbath, or seventh day, or Saturday, the last day of the week, is meant by God to be a Type of the Salvation Rest which one finds in Christ; that’s the reason it was a part of the Ten Commandments.
  • The Book of Hebrews tells us that as believers we enter into “rest”—that is, we enter into His sabbath; we enter into His perfect redemption.
  • He died on the cross almost two thousand years ago for you and I, and He offers us a redemption that we can enter into.


Blessed and sanctified the seventh day —A peculiar distinction put upon it above the other six days, and showing it was devoted to sacred purposes.

The institution of the Sabbath is as old as creation, giving rise to that weekly division of time which prevailed in the earliest ages.

It is a wise and beneficent law, affording that regular interval of rest which the physical nature of man and the animals employed in his service requires, and the neglect of which brings both to premature decay.

Moreover, it secures an appointed season for religious worship, and if it was necessary in a state of primeval innocence, how much more so now, when mankind has a strong tendency to forget God and His claims?

Thus Paul can write: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5:1). I do not even have to lift my little finger in order to be saved—Jesus did it all.

The previous verse described God accomplishing His work of creation in six days. After this, on the seventh day, God rested from work. Here, in verse 3, God does two things: He blesses the seventh day, and He makes it holy.

What does it mean to bless a day?

In chapter 1, God’s blessing was tied to the fertility of His creation, to reproduction and populating the earth. This blessing of the seventh day is less clear.

In the future, under the Law, God would bless Israel for observing the seventh day rest. He would demonstrate His ability to provide for His people even when they sat out a day of work each week.

God also makes the seventh day holy or “set apart” from the other six days. Even before sin entered into the world, God intended from the very beginning for the seventh day to be a special day dedicated to rest. It’s the pattern He set for the world beginning in this verse.







I hope that you have really enjoyed this post,

Please Leave All Comments in the Comment Box Below




10 thoughts on “The First Sabbath – The Day GOD Rested (G-2-HBS)

  1. Hello Jerry, 

    There are so many books of the Holy Bible that we all would really enjoy reading, and somehow I have grown so much love for the book of Genesis because it tells me about the creativity of the Lord, and how He can do whatever He likes, and how He alone has made everything we see today perfect. 

    This is one nice article indeed! 

    1. Good day, it pleases me to reply to your comment,

      Thank you, I am glad that you enjoyed the post! Everything we wish and hope for is on the other side of consistent effort. I truly believe this.

      I Hope For Many Blessings For You My Friend!

  2. Hi Jerry,

    Thanks very much for this interesting and refreshing review of the Book of Genesis.

    It is just very interesting to see how an increasing number of people in the modern world, both male and female, are finding it better to live a happy life alone. The alternative: living a miserable life with someone or a series of people while one searches for that elusive “complement”.

    Warmest regards.

  3. Thank you for breaking down the book of Genesis in this manner, I like that you have mentioned the reason why the sabbath is a day of rest. 

    In these trying times we seem to forget that we are not alone in our struggles and that while there is so much chaos going on we can still find refuge in God, and the sabbath is there to praise and thank Him for all He has done, and to rest in Him and stop trying to solve problems by ourselves. 

    Thank you for this article it is insightful and brings the pertinent points of Genesis forward.

    1. Hello Janine,

      First of all, thank you for commenting on The First Sabbath – The Day GOD Rested.

      It is my pleasure for breaking down the book of Genesis in this manner, I have searched for this type of breakdown, but I have yet to find anything that has Every verse broken down. 

      So I decided I would create something myself. 

      Thank you very much for noticing.

      I agree wholeheartedly with your comment.

      Blessings To You.

  4. This article provides an interesting perspective on the principle of revelation in the Word of God. 

    You highlight the law of recurrence or the law of recapitulation, which is seen throughout the Bible. Focusing on Genesis chapter 2 and how the Sabbath Day is lifted out of the six days of creation, I see that you emphasize the importance of the Sabbath Day and its significance in the context of salvation. 

    This is an extremely informative and thought-provoking article, as it provided a valuable insight into the Word of God.

    1. Hello Jeremy, 

      Thank you for commenting, and considering The First Sabbath – The Day GOD Rested, an extremely informative, thought-provoking article with an interesting perspective on the principle of revelation in the Word of God.

      It is my pleasure to share this information with everyone.

      Have A Blessed Day!

  5. Hello, thank you for your post! 

    I found this article to be a fascinating exploration of the creation story in Genesis 2. I appreciate the detailed analysis of the text and the insights provided into the meaning behind the creation of man and woman. I also found it interesting that you drew parallels between the story of Adam and Eve and the concept of marriage, highlighting the importance of unity and companionship in relationships.

    One question that came to mind while reading this article is how the creation story in Genesis 2 relates to the scientific understanding of the origins of humanity. While I believe in the power and truth of the Bible, I also find value in scientific inquiry and exploration. 

    How do you reconcile the two perspectives, and do you believe they can coexist harmoniously?

    Overall, I enjoyed reading this article and appreciate the thoughtful reflection on this important topic. The creation story in Genesis 2 has always been a source of wonder and inspiration for me, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to deepen my understanding of it through your analysis. 

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights with us!

    1. Hello Ronnie,

      Thank you for taking the time to read, comment, and ask questions about The First Sabbath – The Day GOD Rested.

      Thank you for finding this article to be a fascinating exploration of the creation story in Genesis 2.

      To answer your question, I’m not so sure the two perspectives relating the creation story in Genesis 2 to the scientific understanding of the origins of humanity can be reconciled.

      It all depends on if science is used in contrast, or in opposition to the Word of GOD.

      However, the focus here is Holy Bible Study.

      You are welcome for the sharing of knowledge and insights about this portion of GOD’s Word.

      Thank you again,

      Have A Blessed One Ronnie.

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