Wise reflections on life
By the wise teacher of Israel
One of the most enigmatic books of the Old Testament, Ecclesiastes is the teacher’s treatise on the pleasures and futility of life.
Wisdom literature such as this would have been passed down from one generation to the next, perhaps in an assembly of young men from teacher to student or in a home from father to son.
Anonymous Author
The English title, Ecclesiastes, comes from the Greek translation of its Hebrew name, Qoheleth, meaning “one who gathers.” Not much is known about this “gatherer” of students, the teacher.
Some identify him with Solomon because of the king’s traditional association with wisdom and because of 1:1 and 1:12–2:11, where the teacher claims to be a son of David, king in Jerusalem, and recalls the activities of a king.
But the author is anonymous, and the book’s context and language imply a much later origin.
It is impossible to determine the exact date when Ecclesiastes was written. Based on the use of Persian loan words and Aramaic phrases within this Hebrew text, it is likely that the writer was living in or around Jerusalem any time from the sixth to fourth centuries B.C.
An Implied Story
The teacher provides some meditation on life and on the lives of those who have gone before him. The backdrop to this book is an implied story—the story of empire and what it means to rule and be ruled by powerful kings.
This profound consideration of life helps the reader to learn from previous influential figures, from their beneficial and disastrous decisions and pursuits.
The Great Equalizer Of All
One of the most important words used to describe life in Ecclesiastes is hebel. It is used 38 times. While this Hebrew word is notoriously difficult to translate, its general meaning is “breath” or “vapor.”
In Ecclesiastes, it implies that life is fleeting, like a breath, like a morning mist; it suggests that everything that happens lacks permanence and is ultimately provisional.
After carefully examining nearly every aspect of life, the teacher concludes that nothing lasts; nothing and no one can escape death, the great equalizer of all.
Nevertheless, human beings are wired differently from other creatures, for God has placed eternity in our minds (3:11). So the best a person can do in this life is to remember the Creator, hold Him in high regard, and keep His commandments.
Click ⇓ chapter tabs to study in-depth.
1 | 4 | 7 | 10 |
2 | 5 | 8 | 11 |
3 | 6 | 9 | 12 |
Ecclesiastes 3:16
The contrast between God and humanity could not be starker. The teacher drives this point home by reminding his reader that human lives and earthly accomplishments are fleeting. Nothing tangible is permanent. No work lasts. It all slips away and vanishes into thin air.
Compare that to God. Everything God does is substantial. Everything God accomplishes lasts forever. Every word God speaks makes a difference. And so, God places within every person a sense of eternity to know yet not understand Him.
This world with all its goodness and beauty is not as good as it gets. There is more, so much more, and we are made for that reality too. But not now, not yet.
Sharing A Common Destiny
The creation story in Genesis 2 recognizes the common origin of humanity and the animals. There God forms the first human from the “dirt out of the ground” and breathes into him the breath of life, and the man known as Adam becomes a living being.
But within a few short verses, God declares that it is “not good” for Adam to be alone and seeks a “perfectly suited partner” for the human. So God forms from the “ground” every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and He brings them to Adam to see if any of them are a “right and proper partner.”
Finally, when no suitable companion has been found, God fashions another creature from Adam’s own human flesh. When Adam sees her, he knows he has met a perfect partner.
Clearly, both Genesis and Ecclesiastes stress how much humanity shares in common with the animals. While we may be different — as explained in the Genesis story — we are all creatures, made of the same stuff, breathing the same air. And perhaps most to the point, we share a common destiny: death.
Ecclesiastes 4:4
The imbalance of power creates many victims. Worldly power, sourced in corrupt systems “under the sun,” is on the side of the oppressor. Few are in the ditches with the broken and poor.
Ecclesiastes 5:1
How often people have arisen from relative obscurity to lead great movements in society! The Bible itself is full of such stories: Joseph goes from slave to prisoner to vizier of Egypt; David goes from shepherd to king of Israel; Esther goes from foreign exile to queen of Persia; Peter goes from fisherman to church founder.
Their stories inspire others, but later generations remember only anecdotes and forget the passion and character that move leaders from obscurity to leadership in the first place. Life is fleeting. Victories do not last. In this imperfect interim world, greatness is only provisional.
Ecclesiastes 5:13
There is nothing like the sense of gratification that comes from working hard all day, when bread and cheese taste as good as the finest steak. The ability to work, strength to work, and desire for work are all gifts from God.
When we understand that and use those gifts accordingly, simple things like sleep and a good meal are causes for joy and celebration. But those who are rich and idle can’t buy a good night’s sleep or a stress-free meal or a moment’s peace.
Ecclesiastes 6:7
The words, “it would be better if that person had been stillborn,” may shock the modern reader because it is hoped that no child is stillborn; believers pray for a good life for all of God’s creatures.
But the writer of Ecclesiastes does not dwell on the fate of the stillborn; instead he contrasts the life of the person who finds no good in life with the fate of the child who never drew breath, never saw the sun, and never was given a name.
Life is a gift from God, and the teacher admonishes his readers to find the good in that gift. Yes, sometimes life is not fair; yes, sometimes life deals harsh blows; yes, life slips away far too quickly. But as long as someone draws breath, he or she should find the good in that life.
Ecclesiastes 7:14
Often wisdom invites us to ponder great questions. The question, “Can anyone make straight what God has made crooked?” echoes the words of 1:15 — “Something crooked cannot be made straight.”
Only God can determine what is and what is not. God makes our paths crooked or straight. And we often do not understand why one person’s way is straight and another’s is crooked. The message of the teacher is simple: reverence God regardless of the path you have been given to walk.
Ecclesiastes 7:19
After each act of creation in Genesis 1, “God saw that His new creation was beautiful and good.” When creation is nearly complete, God not only declares it “good” but is described as “savoring its beauty and appreciating its goodness” (Genesis 1:31).
In the creation account recorded in Genesis 2, God places the tree of the knowledge of “good and evil” in the garden and commands the first couple not to eat of the tree. But that is precisely what they do; and in the act of eating, they gain knowledge of good and knowledge of what the absence of good brings.
Adam and Eve’s children live with this dichotomy. For example, when Cain is distressed over God’s choice of Abel’s offering over his, God says to Cain, “ Don’t you know that as long as you do what is right, then I accept you? But if you do not do what is right, watch out, because sin is crouching at the door, ready to pounce on you!” (Genesis 4:7).
The temptation to scheme — that is, to do the “evil” rather than the “good” — begins with the first human pair; the teacher of Ecclesiastes reminds his readers that the same temptation still exists.
Ecclesiastes 9:7
At best, life is unpredictable. No one knows whether a pleasant or harsh future awaits. Perhaps it is better that way. It would be nice if good actions always guaranteed a pleasant future, but they don’t. Sometimes, in this fallen world, it is just the opposite.
One thing is certain, however: everyone faces death. It is the great equalizer. Yet the teacher is assured of something else: those who are right with God and live wisely are in His hands.
Ecclesiastes 10:3
Verse two states that “wise people move to the right… while fools move to the left.” The contrast between “right” and “left” reflects the ancient Near Eastern ideas of “clean” and “unclean.”
The right hand was considered the clean hand and was a symbol for prosperity, while the left hand was considered the unclean hand and a symbol for disaster.
The clean hand was used for eating, for acts of hospitality, and for greeting others. The unclean hand was used for personal hygiene. Thus, in this metaphor the right is equated with God’s goodness, while the left is equated with ignorance of God’s goodness.
Ecclesiastes 12:9
The teacher advises the readers to “remember” their Creator. Remembrance is a pervasive theme in Scripture. Throughout the Bible, God remembers His covenant people, and the covenant people are told to remember the promises and actions of God on their behalf.
In the Book of Psalms, “remember” occurs 45 times, sometimes written by the suffering faithful who cry out to God to remember ( Psalms 25:6–7; 74:2, 18, 22; 89:47 ), and sometimes by the worshiper who marvels that God has remembered ( Psalms 8:4; 78:39; 111:5; 136:23 ).
Thus remembering in the Old Testament is an action of both God and God’s people. Memory was as fundamental to the faith of ancient Israel as it is today. Believers gather together to remember who they are and to whom they belong. This communal memory shapes reality, forms identities, and determines right living.
I hope that you have really enjoyed this post,
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Hi, I love the content of your post. It is fascinating to read about the historical context you provided your readers about this wonderful book of Ecclesiastes. You presented the observations, terms, and defined them concisely. For the chapters, you imaginatively, and thoughtfully, and interpretatively connected them. I think that was masterful!
In my opinion, Ecclesiastes is one of my best books in the Bible. It was one of the books that answered most of the troubling questions about humans and God. Solomon in his great wisdom and knowledge about life warned man of what life, wealth, youth, and pleasure is.
He didn’t sugar coat his findings of the end of life. But Solomon, from my little understanding, lived and stood in awe of God. He admonished even youths to fear and serve God in their youthful age, to avoid regret at a later age. He warned about the deceitfulness of possessions, which you rightly described as fleeting.
It is my understanding that the book of Ecclesiastes addressed all the human questions, about suffering, work, relationships, life, season, age, and death, etc. There is a lot to learn about life and about our existence here on earth.
I will really make out time to read this book again.
Excellent content!
Hello Favorme,
Thank you for taking the time to read about, and commenting about loving the content of how it is fascinating to read about the historical context I have provided to my readers about the Introduction Of The Book Of Ecclesiastes – Pleasures And Futility Of Life on this Bible Study Session.
I am really pleased by, and I definitely respect your complete opinion and understanding of this topic at hand. It is always great to learn from the teachings that others have to offer just as I am learning and becoming receptive of the information you are delivering. Thank You So Much!
Thank you again for taking the time to read, comment on this Bible Study Session, and for considering this Excellent content.
Blessings and Cheers To You My Friend!
Ecclesiastes is one of my favorite books in the bible (John is my top favorite). Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verses 13 and 14 is the one I often tell to myself and it says it all. Information on hebel is an eye-opener.
While reading your article I felt like I read the whole Ecclesiastes book and you have provided a great walk-through summarizing important points. I got helpful insights!
Hats off to you for creating this awesome website,
GOD Bless!
Thank you for committing a portion of your time to read and comment on this Bible Study Session. I am very thankful that I could assist you with receiving helpful insights from this information.
Thank you for considering this an awesome website.
Wishing you much success ahead!
“Wisdom literature such as this would have been passed down from one generation to the next” – Exactly.
Why has the majority of us in the world, not even heared about such books?
Such deep knowledge should be advertised instead of cheap commercials that are toxic and irrelevant.
Everything that discusses topics about the meaning of life should be studied carefully by each person on this planet. Maybe then we will live in harmony with the nature and ourselves.
Thanks a lot for your comment. When starting this site I wanted to write about things that I want to see more articles about in the world around me. It takes work but I plan not to publish anything on here that I’m not willing to go through myself. I most definitely agree that there may be different outcomes for each person, and of course, there may be many similarities.
It would definitely help with spreading this message, if people would share these types of articles on their own social media platforms.
Thank you again for your comment.
Hello there,
This is a very beautiful article that you have here. I really enjoyed going through this article here on your website. The whole book of ecclesiastes is indeed a life changer, all its guidelines and instructions are worth sticking to if anyone is going to make the most out of life.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Thank you for reading, commenting, for considering this a very beautiful article, and for enjoying going through this Holy Bible Study Session here on this website, and thank you for calling it that.
You are most certainly welcome for the sharing of this information. Thank you for reading and commenting.
Blessings To You My Friend!
Thank you for the great explanation about “Ecclesiastes”.
I am currently on a journey reflecting on past events and seem to be currently investigation my spiritual side. To my surprise, I am finding it very insightful and full of wisdom and will be keeping an eye on further posts.
I now need to understand how to pronounce many of those words.
Thanks again
Thank you for committing a portion of your time to read, comment, and considering this post to be really informative.
I really appreciate your remarks and it definitely pleases me to learn that this is considered new information to you. This shows that progress is being made in the spreading of GOD’s Word.
I’m glad you considered this to be a great explanation about “Ecclesiastes”. I am thankful to have this platform where I can display my thoughts and share the things I have learned about scriptural teachings, and know that there are people like yourself who can get something out of it.
A word of advice, I generally google words I don’t know how to pronounce, and listen to the pronunciation to learn how to pronounce it correctly
Have A Blessed Day!
I must say, that you are doing an amazing job spreading to the world, the gospel of the Lord.
This is truly an awesome article of yours, please keep up the good work, and God will surely replenish your work. I look forward to sharing this awesome review of The Book of Ecclesiastes on my blog.
Thank you for considering, I am doing an amazing job spreading to the world, the gospel of the Lord, and I am very pleased that it has been truly awesome to you as well. It is with great honor and humbleness, that I am feeling deep in my soul to be of any assistance in spreading the Good News with the rest of the world.
Favor Filled Blessings To You!