Product Reviews

What is a Product Review?

According to Wikipedia, a customer review is a review of a product or service made by a customer who has purchased and used, or had experience with, the product or service. Customer reviews are a form of customer feedback on electronic commerce and online shopping sites, where they may: 

  • Purchase products
  • Order products
  • Buy products
  • Shop around for best prices on products.

by using shopping websites such as amazon (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases), ebay, etc. There are also dedicated review sites, some of which use customer reviews as well as or instead of professional reviews. The reviews may themselves be graded for usefulness or accuracy by other users.

This post contains affiliate links, which mean if you use these links to purchase an item or service I receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Visit my Affiliate Disclaimer page here.






The reliability of customer reviews has been questioned.  Abuses akin to ballot stuffing of favorable reviews by the seller, or negative reviews by competitors, need to be policed by the review host site. Since few sites restrict users to reviewing only items purchased from that site, it is difficult to prove a customer has actually used the product they are reviewing. Many service industry businesses have expressed the wish that customers let the business know in the moment if some aspect is unsatisfactory, so they can have the opportunity to fix it on the spot or provide compensation, rather than customers leaving unnecessarily disappointed and writing negative reviews.

How to Write a Product Review

Small Biz Trends suggest, in order to write a complete product review, you must create the following list or at least provide answers the list requires.

  1. Be Willing to Commit the Time. …
  2. Decide on the Product. …
  3. Get to Know Your Readers. …
  4. Be Unbiased and Objective. …
  5. Know the Product Inside and Out. …
  6. Don’t Rely on PR and Marketing Material. …
  7. List the Pros and Cons. …
  8. Include Technical Information.
  9. Provide Practical Examples
  10. Monetize Your Reviews


Product reviews are not the easiest type of posts to compose. But unbiased, honest, in-depth reviews that place the interests of the readers ahead of your own and that clearly disclose any affiliate or advertising relationships can help you build a reputation as an amazon (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases), ebay, etc., industry influence and mentally tough leader. Who knows, you might even make some money along the way.




Please Leave All Comments in the Comment Box Below




Author: HBS & DwJ

12 thoughts on “Product Reviews

  1. I agree that the reviews should be as honest as possible. I believe that the best review is of those who have used the product, even more than once. They have tried it, they have had some problem and they have solved it.

    In order to generate product reviews, can we sign up for the Amazon program? Are there any requirements for this? I would like to know a little more about this program. I wonder if being a member of the program there is some training or some benefits to buy the products.

    Thank you for this

    1. Hello Pablo,

      Thank you for taking the time to comment on Product Reviews.

      Yes, you can use this link to sign up for the Amazon program. It will take you through the simple steps of trying the different products out so you can make money creating Honest, Verified Reviews.

      Thank you again for commenting on my post.

      Blessings My Friend,


  2. Product reviews are some of the most important factors in selling products online.The more beautiful a product’s review is, the more people are attracted to the product and the more people want to know about it.Yes, I agree with your belief that product reviews can make some money online, and doing it through your own website is the best.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment on Product Reviews.

      Thank you for agreeing with my belief that product reviews can make some money online, and doing it through your own website is the best.

      Thank you again for taking the time to review this article.

      Blessings To You My Friend,


  3. No doubt one of the major issues of customer reviews is, as you mentioned, the tendency for the reviews to be influenced by either the owners of the products, or competitors vying for customer’s attention. Like you pointed out, it could be a good idea for the host sites to restrict reviews to only purchasing customers. That step, if taken, would potentially curb the level of unbiased reviews.

    Great post.

    1. Hello Rhain,

      Thank you for taking the time to comment on Product Reviews.

      I agree with you wholeheartedly, Verified Reviews would potentially curb the level of unbiased reviews.

      Thank you again for taking the time to comment on this article.

      Blessings To You My Friend,


  4. Hi Jerry,

    Thank you for your post on product reviews. There are thousands of blogs providing millions of reviews and comparisons for all the products that we can think of.

    Your advice to review with the reader in mind is essential in reaching the highest level of credibility of integrity in writing.

    Affiliate disclosure in case of commissions made by the writer should be highlighted.

    How can one detect a genuine versus a paid review? are there any signs that we should look for?

    Thank you,


    1. Hello Jordan,

      Thank You for taking the time to comment on Product Reviews.

      Most of the time you can tell if a review is fake if it is not a verified purchase.

      Thank you again for taking the time to comment on this article.

      Blessings To You My Friend,


  5. Hello Jerry. Nice to see you share this article you have written with the purpose of making us understand the full concepts of product reviews. Whenever I am interested in a product be it digital or physical, I always look for reviews in the internet and the ones I love reading most are those in which the reviewers have actually used the products. However, since most persons are biased (because they’re promoting another product), not truthful (especially competitors) so reviews cannot be totally depended upon these days.


  6. Great article on “Product Reviews”, well researched and presented. 

    As a consumer of products I find online, I do rely very much on the opinions and experiences of others. In fact, I will usually make a buying decision based on these reviews.

    It is extremely important that a product review be of course honest, and based on one’s experience or knowledge about the product being reviewed. The reviewer should be unbiased, as you have mentioned, in order to give the reader an accurate picture of what is being reviewed.

    I appreciate the time you have taken to present this post. As I often do product reviews myself, I have copied the list you have presented here for reference.

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for your comment, and I am pleased to be of any assistance of positive influence. This is one of my reasons for choosing to write the articles, posts, blogs, and all other literature that I present on my websites.

      Thank you again.

      Blessings My Friend,


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