When You Have Done Your Best, Be Still For A Moment, Then Do Some More

Many of us may have discovered that when we think we are done, we find out that we still have more in us. This discovery reminds us that we are never completely out or finished. We find that we are not at the end of our rope yet, we have more steps that we can take, we learn that we are never completely out if we rest for a moment and then proceed to do a little more. This is how we maximize our efforts in anything that we do in life. There maybe countless amounts of times that these very actions have helped many of us get over the top.

Climbing Mount Everest

There is a documentary out, that details the difficulties people approach when climbing Mount Everest. At a certain point in the climb there is a zone that is considered the “Death or Killing Zone”. People have been known to reach this point and run out of oxygen, so they end up turning around and going back down the mountain.

The people that make it to the top of Mount Everest, all had to go through the “Death or Killing Zone”. These people used the little bit more that they had in them in order to get to the top. Climbing Mount Everest is very challenging, there have been many people who have had accidents during their climbing attempt to reach the top. We also face many challenges in life itself.

Challenges In Life

In life we should understand that as long as we keep going there are many accomplishments awaiting us. When life seems to be dealing us the worst hand we must remember, don’t stop, don’t quit.

“When things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill; When your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile but you have to sigh; When cares are pressing you down a bit, rest if you must but don’t quit; For life is clear with its twists and turns, as everyone of us must sometimes learn; And many a fellow has turned about, when he might have won had he stuck it out; So don’t give up though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow; Often the goal is nearer than it seems, to a faint and a faltering man, and often the struggler has given up, when he might have captured the victor’s cup; And he learns too late when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown; Success is failure turned inside out, It’s just silver tint of your clouds of doubt; And you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you’re the hardest hit, it’s when things seem worse that you must not quit”.

Motivational Tool

We often talk about Holy Bible Scripture, and it seems impossible to live without it at times. Often times GOD puts a writing in one’s heart that can help people, but it must be shared. We should learn to use every motivational tool that we possibly can to climb the ladder of success or try to be the best parents or best spouse that we possibly can.

Many of us may have done a lot of changing over the years and change is necessary in order to grow. If we don’t make changes we can’t grow.

Change And Growth

There once were two gentlemen conversing in a professional environment with one another. One older gentleman and one younger gentleman with around a twenty-five to thirty year age gap.

The younger gentleman had dreadlocks as his hair style, and the older gentleman made a comment saying, “You would do yourself a huge favor if you got a professional haircut, your image is everything. You keep stopping me in the hall to inform me about what you are doing, who you are, but all I see is your hair, and I keep trying to figure out what you are doing with all of that hair”.

The older gentleman continued by saying, “You can feel how you want to about the statement I just made but I employ people, and I am looking at you through the eyes of an employer. When I am walking through the hall and I am trying to think about you traveling with me, sitting in meetings with me, I try to imagine you in your suit talking business with me. You should consider cutting your hair”.

The younger gentleman replied, “I have been growing this hair since I was a little boy”.

The older gentleman asked, “How old are you now?”

The younger gentleman replied, “Twenty eight”.

The older gentleman asked, “How long do you want to hang on to what you were when you were a little boy? You started growing your hair as a teenager, you are a grown man now. What does it do for you?”

The younger gentleman replied, “It is just who I am”.

The older gentleman asked, “So you are your hair?”

The younger gentleman replied, “It is a part of me”.

The older gentleman asked, “That part of you that you are hanging onto, what does it do for you?”

The younger gentleman replied, “I just like it”.

The older gentleman said, “I like ice cream, but if I hang onto ice cream and eat it every single day, my body will reflect that. I will begin to become a little fatter each time you see me. I am already not the cat’s meow”.

The younger gentleman asked, “You don’t hang on to anything you did when you were young?”

The older gentleman replied, “I probably do, but I tried to share the majority of it as I have gotten older. I can’t think of anything that I used to do at fifteen that I still care to do right now”.

Several days went by and the two gentleman saw one another again, but this time the younger gentleman had a hair cut, and said he wished he had cut his hair years ago.

We should all learn to release the things in our lives that are not allowing us to be everything that we can. It is a struggle to be all we can if we continue to be all that we were.

We will find that we must continue to change in order to grow.

Change is growth, it is very necessary.

Blessings To You My Friends,



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Author: HBS & DwJ

10 thoughts on “When You Have Done Your Best, Be Still For A Moment, Then Do Some More

  1. Hello, take my sincere respect and I would like to give you thanks for posting such a motivational article. It is really amazing to me because your article’s words have the power of someone’s life. You have enlightened some essential issues which are extremely important for our life. You have said about the challenge of our life because maximum people are going through depression and upsetness that’s why this kind of issue is extremely important in this period.

    When I have gone through your article got some information which affected me a lot and also I got motivation from this post. I would like to share your article with my near relatives and friends so that they can overcome their restriction of their life.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this blog. I am also thanking you kindly for your sincere respect, and you are most certainly welcome for the sharing of such a motivational article. 

      I would also like for you to share this article with your close relatives and friends so that they can overcome the restrictions of their lives.

      Thank you again for reading and commenting on this blog.

      Many Blessings To You My Friend!

  2. Nice article and this is my first time seeing a religious article and wow I like the title, that says “When you have done your best, be still for a moment, then do some more

    In whatever,you wanna do in this life there are still obstacles and challenges, but when you endure the pain for the better, the end result will be growth and now you can see, that when you have done your best, be still for a moment, then do some more has a great connection with growth, because in most of the challenges, we do face and without growth, no one can be still for a moment and do more, but until you see growth.

    It is really true, and being on the journey to God’s Kingdom is very challenging, and everywhere you go, take small steps, and then you get somewhere and relax, rest for a while then continue on. This is just like whenever you have done your best, be still for a moment and do more.

    1. Thank you for reading, commenting on this blog, and considering it a nice article. There are a lot of changes that must be made and challenges that must be overcome for growth to begin to take place.

      Thank you again for taking the time to read and comment on this blog.

      Blessings To You My Friend!

  3. The first i want to do is try to share this great article with some of my friends. The website is really nice. and i have learnt something tangible from this well detailed article on some real great motivational tips. in life there are some times when we just need to pause and re-evaluate our works. thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this blog. I would also like for you to share this article with your friends.

      Thank you for considering it a great article, and you are most certainly welcome for the inspiration.

      Thank you again for reading and commenting on this blog.

      Have A Blessed Day!

  4. This is really an insightful post and i am sure that this article will be of great help to so many people just as it has really being of great help to me. This is a great article on how to stay still before continuing your efforts. this is an article filled with inspiration that can help me get on. thank you for this. it brought me out of depression.

    1. Thank you for utilizing a portion of your time for the reading and commenting on this blog.

      I am also thanking you for considering it to be an insightful post, and I am very pleased that it has been of great help to you as well. It is with great honor and humbleness, that I am feeling deep in my soul to be of any assistance in bringing someone out of depression. 

      Thank you again for utilizing a portion of your time for the reading and commenting on this blog.

      Best Of Blessings To You My Friend!

  5. Hello and thanks so much for these motivational post. These days are so hard for me, so I’m glad to read your post here. I can relate to the story of young and old gentlemen. Sometimes it is needed to let go of the things that you’ve always clinged to from the past to grow yourself into a better person. I will reflect on those stories a bit more. Thanks

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting, and you are most certainly welcome for the sharing of such a motivational article.

      Thank you again for reading and commenting on this blog.

      All The Best To You My Friend!

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